Carmody has always been more than a software service provider. With over 25 years of experience Carmody provides development and consultation services to help our clients with the planning, creation, implementation, staff training and administration of their new septic system compliance management program. With ongoing support, we work with our clients and contractors to understand their needs throughout our service term, addressing the ongoing changes in rules, regulations, ordinances, leadership, etc. We continually design and tailor the client’s software and services to provide solutions to meet their current and future needs, and troubleshoot any issue to ensure optimal functionality for both our client and the service contractors.
o Understanding needs: Working with
clients to understand their needs
o Designing solutions: Designing
tailored software solutions to meet
the client's needs
o Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting
issues and ensuring optimal
o Understanding needs: Working with
clients to understand their needs
o Designing solutions: Designing
tailored software solutions to meet
the client's needs
o Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting
issues and ensuring optimal
Carmody can help you develop a road map to reducing wastewater contamination from septic, sewer laterals and grease. We can quickly develop and implement a program to inventory, evaluate the condition of your systems, categorize their threat, and develop a recovery plan.
Carmody's paperless applications are quick to implement, easy to use, and cost-effective. You can locate, assess, track, manage, and monitor the condition, operation, and compliance of any type of septic system, grease, etc. in real time.
Our management services all have desktop, tablet, and smartphone reporting capabilities.
The entry of one report can be setup to be electronically filed or emailed to Federal, State, County, and local agencies in one submission, eliminating the hassle of submitting a separate report for each agency.
Carmody will also help service contractors easily organize, manage, and report service, despite the ever-changing septic system service requirements. The contractors will also enjoy a steady flow of real-time service statistics, helping them to manage and schedule service or maintenance events.
Carmody provides inspection, maintenance, and compliance applications to build custom registration, permit, service, inspection, or sampling forms for any type of system or event. Your forms will automatically tabulate and sort the data you need in real time, allowing all users instant access and complete transparency. Our document center contains many examples of forms and applications to help guide you in developing a useful, efficient, and effective management program.
Management applications are designed to be location specific. Our clients can build their reports, notifications, and reminders to fit their specific needs.
Renewals, inspections, service, and compliance events are all monitored automatically and in real time. The Client’s custom letters and notices can then be generated from our application, saving our clients time and money.
It was a natural succession for Carmody to incorporate sewer lateral management into its tool box of applications. Our years of experience can help you easily and quickly develop an efficient management plan for your sewer laterals. We have simplified the collection and tracking of maintenance, video, inspections, and compliance records all in real-time. We can make sewer lateral management affordable and effective for you and all your stakeholders.
Carmody’s password-protected program enables program users to safely file and retrieve real-time data from our secure environment, accessible anywhere, 24/7 365 days a year.
The program offers our clients several different secure access platforms and client approved passwords with over 100 selectable data access points and application tools.
Carmody’s public access Septic Search portal allows our clients to post service reports, permit documents, education materials, approved contracts, etc. to all stakeholders.
This provides our clients with a program that is transparent, saves time, and money by reducing office calls, file searches, and mailing costs.
"Using a conservative number of 15 minutes for each call we can estimate that we’ve saved approximately 3,428 man-hours this year alone."
Florida Department of Health in Bay County
Carmody can help you develop a road map to reducing wastewater contamination from household and sewer wastewater. We can quickly develop and implement a program to inventory, evaluate the condition of your systems, categorize their threat, and develop a recovery plan.
Carmody pioneered the development of a paperless, cost-effective and time-saving compliance management program in 1998. Our programs operate all over the United States and in the Cayman Islands.
We can easily monitor service and events and provide online permit application for septic , grease and step systems for regulators, contractors and manufactures by town, city, county, state, region, and nationally.
Our programs are extremely flexible, allowing our clients to create location and product specific files and reports at any given time. After implementation, the client can always adapt, change, or update their program in real time if needed.
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